What is Zoom?
Zoom allows teachers to create video and audio conferences for conducting classes with students remotely. The time for holding one conference was limited to 40 minutes (but during the quarantine due to coronavirus, the developer removed the conference limit of 40 minutes), the number of participants in one conference can reach up to 100, including the teacher (conference organizer).
What is Zoom? Thanks to What Functionality This Platform Attracted Users?
To log in, just go to https://zoom.us and click “Sign in”. You’ll then be able to sign in with your Google, Facebook, or Zoom account. After registration, your account will be assigned a number that you inform the students and the head of the group. At the time and date appointed by you, students knowing your account number will be able to connect remotely to a video or audio conference organized by you through the ZOOM program. In order for the account number to be permanent, it must be recorded in your profile.

The ZOOM software allows you to broadcast visual educational material to students using the Screen Sharing function. To do this, the teacher must go to the Screen Sharing menu and select one of the methods of demonstrating the material, it can be a demonstration of the entire desktop of your computer, or a demonstration of a file launched by the corresponding application, or a demonstration of a part of the screen, which is available in the advanced settings of the Screen Sharing menu, as well as there is a Bulletin Board function, with which you can make your own notes, draw, put streaks and pointers right on top of the presentation.
What is the secret of success and what are the advantages of the application:
- easy to learn – it will take a few hours to get used to the interface, as well as to understand the basic tools. You can add participants to the conference by sending them a link or personal identifier;
- control your microphone and video;
- screen demonstration;
- a large number of useful functionality – notes, background replacement, pause screen sharing, recording a video conference, etc.
The disadvantages of Zoom include security issues. Even in winter, any uninvited user could join your conference, but now it is possible to turn on the waiting room so that new participants are added after approval by the organizer.
Launch and Zoom Capabilities
The ZOOM program also allows you to demonstrate visual material through presentations, text files, drawings, etc. To do this, use the “Screen sharing” function, which will be described in paragraph: The ability to include a presentation or other document (textbook, picture, diagram, etc.) using the ZOOM screen sharing function. So how does zoom make money?
For the first time, it is recommended to check the box “Use my personal identifier”: this setting will allow you to create a permanent link to your webinar. This will make it easier to reconnect after 40 minutes, and will also allow you to send the link in advance to students. It will also allow those students who, for some reason, could not join with their group, to join the classes (in fact, this will allow students to come with another group). This, in fact, is also a limitation. If you do not want students to attend your online classes with another group, then in the additional settings you can set the “Waiting room” to manually add participants.